“When in a hurry, take your time.”

Wyatt Earp (March 19, 1848 – January 13, 1929) Deputy U.S Marshall

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March 31, 2023
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Wyatt Earp is likely best known as the Town Marshall who played a key role in the shoot-out at the OK Corral in Tombstone, Arizona in the autumn of 1881. In fact, a gunfight that lasted only 30 seconds literally defined the rest of his life. At the now legendary event, Wyatt and his brothers, Virgil and Morgan, along with Doc Holliday, faced off against Ike and Billy Clanton, Tom and Frank McLaury and Billy Claiborne.  Ike and Billy Claiborne turned and ran. The remainder of the gunmen held their ground and all were subsequently killed by the Earp party.  

Earp’s quote does seem to be at odds with itself.  However, the research is clear and categorically shows that slowing down: gives you time to think more effectively; builds resilience; improves business and personal relationships; allows for better decisions; improves communication; and contributes significantly to the concept of quality over quantity.

Wyatt Earp actually had an incredible career and, at one time or another, served as a: policeman; county sheriff; US Marshall; teamster; buffalo hunter; saloon keeper; gambler; brothel owner; boxing referee; and a consultant to movie production companies in the early 1900’s.  In fact, the man who found fame on Fremont Street (the site of the OK Corral gunfight) ended his career working with movie stars like Douglas Fairbanks and Charlie Chaplin!

Even back then, the world was hurrying along.  To that point, Wyatt Earp saw many inventions during his lifetime – everything from air conditioning to automobiles, lightbulbs, telephones, aspirin, coca cola, frozen food, motion pictures; plastic; radio; refrigeration; vitamins; and even the humble zipper.  That said, born exactly 175 years ago this month, it seems like Wyatt Earp slowed down long enough to live to be 80 years old and the last surviving participant in the OK Corral gunfight!        

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Posted on
March 31, 2023
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