“If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near."

John F. Welch Jr. (Nov. 1935 – Mar. 2020) former Chairman of GE

Posted on
July 1, 2019
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Jack Welch needs no introduction.  His accomplishments are legendary.  Suffice to say that during his 20-year tenure, the value of the company increased by 4,000%!

We decided to send a second Quote of the Month this July for a couple of reasons.

First, welcome to our new letterhead format.  We think it reflects a more up-to-date, cleaner look.  

Second, and much more importantly, Welch’s quote speaks to exactly what is taking place, right now, throughout the entire business landscape – very significant rates of external (outside) change. And we are seeing more and more companies struggling to keep pace with this change.  They are clearly having serious difficulty coping.  We ask that you consider constructively challenging every senior executive in your organization (including yourself) to strongly consider if the rate of change outside is more than what is happening inside your company.  Given what we are seeing in the marketplace, it is a vital task.

Posted on
July 1, 2019
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